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Messages - Danny Hall

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Support / Re: Curve loses its temp probe between roasts
« on: September 26, 2017, 09:34:02 PM »
No problem - thanks for the kind words!

Support / Re: Curve loses its temp probe between roasts
« on: September 26, 2017, 03:32:56 PM »
Sounds like you're missing the binding field in the corresponding curve template of the profile you're using. Have a look at the profile the roast is using to make sure all curve templates have their binding set.

For a number of reasons, the copy function for roasts gives precedence to a profile-based workflow - it does not actually look at the data curves of the source roast. So, when you copy a roast, the copy grabs the profile from the source roast, and populates its Data Curves from the templates it finds there. One of those is probably missing its binding - or, it has outdated binding information.

Support / Re: Using Roastmaster with a Diedrich IR24
« on: September 18, 2017, 02:12:32 PM »
Hmmmm - I would guess that variances would present in a differential fashion, i.e. changing as a factor/percentage of the temperature.

A thermocouple's voltage is generated not at the tip, but in the wire itself - along the gradient of temperature change as it cools before reaching the cold-junction measurement located in the electronics of the probe hardware. My gut tells me it would be best to split wires as far from that gradient as possible - in other words, as far from the tip as possible. but - I'm sorry, I do not know this for sure. If you wanted to know how to write a programatic equation to measure that, I'm your man. But, on the electrical side of it - I think you'll find better sources of input than me. ;) An electrician might be a good idea - someone with some engineering knowledge.

If you were able to set up a call with Diedrich, I'd be happy to jump on the call with you. Let me know.

Nah - if you have the question, others will to...that's what forums are great for.

Sure, you can create a curve like that in each roast - it's the same difference. Creating a curve template in each profile just saves you from having to do it in each roast.


1) Sure - you can have as many curves as you want in a roast, and log temps or control values to each independently. In each of your P1-P5 profiles, you could create a new Curve Template. Name it, and set it to a reading curve. Then, whenever you tag a profile in a roast, you'd automatically get a new blank reading curve in the roast for recording data. SO, you'd have two in each roast–the control curve Roastmaster gives you by default representing the Behmor heat, and then the new reading curve courtesy of the new Curve Template. Just tap the graph to select the curve you want to edit, and then tap the digital readout to enter a temp.

2) I'm not quite sure I follow, but the only thing that Data Logging "unlocks" is the ability to link to a wireless probe. Otherwise the app function is identical with or without it. In other words, you can record as much data as you want to as many curves as you want either way. The Data Logging option just does it automatically. You wouldn't need the Data Logging option unless you reached a point where you were tired of entering manual temperatures.

Let me know if I'm not understanding.

Support / Re: Using Roastmaster with a Diedrich IR24
« on: September 11, 2017, 03:58:17 PM »
Sorry I didn't get back sooner. I'm prepping the next update for beta and got bogged down last week.

Any time you introduce impedance into the path of a thermocouple, it has the potential to make the voltage drift. I'd assume their line of thinking is something along the lines of "if the hi limit shutoff is, say 700°, and impedance causes that to drift +- 30°, it's still within operating parameters". Again, this is just a guess. people split thermocouples without adverse effect? Yes they do. Do I advise it? No, I don't. But, for the sake of argument, you'd at least have a "control" value level, since it's a dual tip TC. I assume there's a readout for the primary TC via the Siemens controller, right? If you did jumper off the hi limit, you should be able to tell how much imprudence has been introduced by virtue of what the Siemens reports and what Roastmaster reports.

I'd be interested to know how that Siemens works. I just introduced an opensource WiFi protocol in a recent update for RM, and am introducing a companion Bluetooth LE version in the coming update. My hope is that these controllers can be retrofitted with Phidget-like hardware or accessed directly with USB to then broadcast readings via one of these protocols. That's not an immediate option, but it might eventually open up a lot of older roasters to data logging without breaking out the drill to install a new TC, which of course is always an option, though understandably probably not the route you want to take.

Have you heard anything else from Diedrich?

Support / Re: 64Bit IOS 11 ??
« on: September 11, 2017, 03:20:11 PM »
You said you use Phidgets, right? You're certainly welcome to beta test. I'm just starting testing on the next update. There's not a lot in the bells and whistles category. But, I'm introducing the new opensource Bluetooth LE protocol, and have revamped Phidgets to support their new Library 22. Actually, "require" is the proper word. This update will only work with Lib 22. I've also added RTD probe support via their new VINT hardware.

There were a lot of problems with their old "WebService" software dropping connection, so they ditched the old and built the new "Network Server" from scratch. I've tested 4 real roasts so far with good results. I'm about to get started with my actual bench testing, and iOS 11 testing.

So, if you've had any connection drops, and are interested let me know I'll put you on the list and contact you when a beta build is ready.

Support / Re: share profiles between users?
« on: September 11, 2017, 02:51:18 PM »
Sorry for the delay - I’ve been prepping the next update and trying to get the website organized. Finally getting back on schedule today.

First, thanks for taking the time to expound on this! I’ve thought about this at length at several points in the past, and done a lot of research. It's only been in the last year or so that I feel I've completed all the "nuts and bolts" that I envisioned for the app. Looking forward to focusing on some more interesting stuff like this.

A bit of history…When I first built the profile sharing feature, I imagined that lots of folks would want to share profiles. So I created the forums for profile sharing. It always baffled me that (with some exceptions) no one seemed eager to “reach out” and share data. In retrospect, the problem with this thinking is that it involved a lot of different steps - send it to a desktop, log in, find the board, build the post, etc. And probably most notably, as you’ve said, there’s no “social” aspect to it, and no type of cataloging/retrieval.

Obviously, databases don’t scare me, so the thought of actually BUILDING something is rather exciting. Roastmaster’s database structure is (by design and intent) - open. Your notes about categorization are helpful in thinking about how something like this could work.

I’m definitely open to talking about this over the phone if you have other ideas you wanted to share. I’d love to see something like this in Roastmaster!

Support / Re: share profiles between users?
« on: August 31, 2017, 11:30:31 PM »
Sure. In a profiles detail screen, tap the sharing button in the toolbar (square with an arrow). Choose "Roastmaster Exchange". You can AirDrop it directly to another user, or send to iCloud Drive, Drobox, email, etc.

The same applies to Roasters, Curves and even entire databases.

Support / Re: 64Bit IOS 11 ??
« on: August 31, 2017, 11:28:40 PM »

Roastmaster has been 64-bit for quite some time now. I don't anticipate any problems, but I have yet to scour the ADC notes and such. I'm aware they've dropped 32 bit support, but to my knowledge existing fat binaries containing both 32 and 64 bit (like Roastmaster) are "business as usual".

I'll know a little more once they give us the Gold Master (GM) release - we're currently still on beta 8, I believe. It's frightening just how unstable even the last couple of beta releases are. So, I hold off for the GM release before beginning big testing. Unfortunately, we don't get the GM build until roughly a week before its publicly released, which makes September a bit hectic. I'll be doing a lot of testing over the coming few weeks.

I usually advise folks to hold off on updating mission-critical devices until I can release a full support statement after the GM is released, but as of yet there are no problems AFAIK.


Support / Re: Using Roastmaster with a Diedrich IR24
« on: August 08, 2017, 06:42:09 PM »

Most folks use this forum for just tech support, so there's not the typical community traffic. Any members with more info...feel free to jump in.

No - you cannot safely "split" or "tap" thermocouple lines. The voltage they carry is extremely small, and the extra impedance would cause the temps to be inaccurate. Since factory thermocouples are utilized in safety functions, you want to avoid that at all costs.

But…that appears to be a dual tip thermocouple. One set of leads should be wired to the roaster electronics. The other set may be already wired to a Phidgets Temperature Sensor (from a previous owner maybe). See if you can trace those wires and find the temperature sensor - either a 1 port or 4 port (pics attached). If so, the temp sensor may be enclosed in a clear acrylic case, with an open port for a USB cable.

If that's the case, Roastmaster can talk to the Phidget Temperature Sensor, but since there is no USB port in iOS, you need a WiFi "host" to send the signals wirelessly. The Phidget SBC3 is a good choice.

If you're unsure, I'd give Diedrich a call and ask for clarification. There's a good chance that one set of leads would be free for data logging - regardless of the hardware installed. So, if there's no Phidgets Temperature Sensor already installed, you may still be able to use that probe without drilling a new one.

Also - you have it backwards - the ThermaQ Blue only supports K types (not J). So, if the second set of leads is free, and the probe is a K type, you could opt for that for direct Bluetooth connection.

Keep me posted, and let me know if you have other questions in the mean time.


Support / Re: Share profiles between roasters
« on: August 07, 2017, 07:57:56 PM »
Ahhh sorry - misunderstood. I thought you meant "roasters" as in people. I roast solely by events these days. I used to use control curves, but it's much less "hands off" with events.

Yes, you can copy curves to another profile as you've discovered. That may suit your needs just fine.

But, if your profiles are complex, you can do the same thing I mentioned, but choose "Export to Local Documents Folder" instead. Then, on the home screen, open the drum door and choose Utilities > Import From Documents. That will let you essentially move a copy to a different roaster.

Support / Re: Share profiles between roasters
« on: August 07, 2017, 03:46:00 PM »
Hi Darren

Sure. Go to the Profile's detail screen by A) Tapping the Profile "i" button inside a roast, or B) Navigating from Roasters > Your Roaster > Profiles > Profile.

From the profile details screen, tap the sharing button in the bottom right of the toolbar, and choose "Roastmaster Exchange". You can AirDrop this directly to another iPad (or use iCloud drive, Dropbox, email and such). On the receiving iPad, accept the incoming AirDrop, and choose a Roaster to assign it to. Finally, choose "Import as Profile" and it will now be on both devices.

Let me know if you have any problems.

Support / Re: Entering old roast data
« on: August 07, 2017, 03:41:26 PM »
Hi - sorry, have been out of the office since Thursday.

Yes, you can enter data manually. When creating a roast, it defaults to "pending" and is tagged complete as you press the stop button and finish the roast. But, RM will also tag a roast as complete when you manually enter the roast date and/or duration. So, you can create a roast, change this information (entering crack information and such) and it will be the same as any other roast you "performed" using the roast console in the app.

Hope this helps - let me know if you have any other questions.


Support / Re: iPad Pro
« on: July 31, 2017, 01:33:33 PM »
No, Roastmaster doesn't support the WiFi logger. But, I just finished adding support for the ThermaQ Blue. It's an awesome device - direct connect via Bluetooth LE - super long battery life - great range. It would be a great choice!!

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