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share profiles between users?  (Read 3133 times)


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Is it possible to share various profiles and other data between Roastmaster users?

Danny Hall

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    • Rainfrog
Sure. In a profiles detail screen, tap the sharing button in the toolbar (square with an arrow). Choose "Roastmaster Exchange". You can AirDrop it directly to another user, or send to iCloud Drive, Drobox, email, etc.

The same applies to Roasters, Curves and even entire databases.


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What about exporting roasting profiles to a "Community" website. Build a Wordpress or Joomla Directory of coffee roasting profiles with social network features (user profiles, rating, points, user messaging, etc.) that had each country, farm, etc. related to a bean. Users of Roastmaster would be able to look up a profile in a directory. You could allow upvoting or rating with stars or whatever javascript thingy you wanted to adopt. You could do something with Wordpress or Joomla to keep things simple. The only part that would need a little special effort would be the UI and integration code for some cloud and inserting the Roastmaster data into a MySQL database.

I am really enjoying Roastmaster. I especially like being able to manage the roasting process using an Ipad with Phidgets.

The big thing missing is the ability to select community rated bean profiles inside of RoastMaster app. To keep things simple the profiles could be mostly about the bean ++ elevation of bean, region / country, arabica/robusta/hybrid, washed/natural, etc +drop temp + 1st crack (2nd crack) temp and end drop time.. I think being able to capture the community discussion around a profile will drive more users to roastmaster app and grow the community. As a roaster I often get new beans and need to develop a profile. I would love to see community shared Roasting Profiles inside of the Roastmaster app. A expanded more feature rich coffee profile directory could be based on Wordpress or Joomla (many awesome directory solutions).

Let me know if you would like help with the planning document.

Im very excited for the future of the Roastmaster brand.

Danny Hall

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    • Rainfrog
Sorry for the delay - I’ve been prepping the next update and trying to get the website organized. Finally getting back on schedule today.

First, thanks for taking the time to expound on this! I’ve thought about this at length at several points in the past, and done a lot of research. It's only been in the last year or so that I feel I've completed all the "nuts and bolts" that I envisioned for the app. Looking forward to focusing on some more interesting stuff like this.

A bit of history…When I first built the profile sharing feature, I imagined that lots of folks would want to share profiles. So I created the forums for profile sharing. It always baffled me that (with some exceptions) no one seemed eager to “reach out” and share data. In retrospect, the problem with this thinking is that it involved a lot of different steps - send it to a desktop, log in, find the board, build the post, etc. And probably most notably, as you’ve said, there’s no “social” aspect to it, and no type of cataloging/retrieval.

Obviously, databases don’t scare me, so the thought of actually BUILDING something is rather exciting. Roastmaster’s database structure is (by design and intent) - open. Your notes about categorization are helpful in thinking about how something like this could work.

I’m definitely open to talking about this over the phone if you have other ideas you wanted to share. I’d love to see something like this in Roastmaster!