« on: August 24, 2014, 11:07:05 PM »
Hey Danny -
I was watching a video on profiling where another app was being used and it allowed the start of data logging prior to the actual charge time and still kept the actual roast time as t= 0. so the data began tracking at -3 minutes for example, allowing you to capture the preheat ramp and then at the point the charge is loaded the time is set to 0 and the roast profile is tracked accordingly.
I would probably like to be able to do this by going in after the roast is started, probably while it is in progress, and note the charge time - that way I could start data logging, load the charge when the temp is right without having to worry about roastmaster at that instant, then come back and load the charge time so the remaining timestamps are based on charge time not the start of datalogging. I hope that makes sense -
The other feature this application had was a way to quickly note an event on the timeline - in the demo it was used to flag times at which cupping samples were pulled during the roast - i got the impression it was a single keystroke that the operator hit at the start of the sample. I created a control curve with a value of 12 and can use that to add nodes of values below 12 to capture the sample points, but it might be cool to have a more elegant way to do this and to be able to add cupping notes regarding the sample points.
Are there other ways you would recommend to accomplish these things in Roastmaster?
Anyway, I really like Roastmaster and am about as excited about being able to use it as I am roasting with my new roaster ;-)
Thanks for the good work you do! I really enjoy your screencasts and was impressed with your professionalism and knowledge of your software and roasting in general! I am hoping to be able to share profiles here once I am a little further along on the learning curve!