Hi Thomas
Thanks so much for taking the time to write this! It's really great to hear this and that you're enjoying it!!
I got tired of using index cards a fews years ago, too. I took great care to record the details of my roasts, then found I was always too lazy to flip back through and actually read them when roasting.

I wanted something that would do the clerical work for me, and make it easier to see what roasts worked and what didn't.
Data logging is coming along very nicely. I've had that up and running for a number of weeks now in the development version. It's great fun to monitor roasts from the couch, or my office, instead of always having to be in hearing distance of the roaster.
The bad news is that I cannot make it "talk" directly to roasters, like the hottop - it has to be via hardware that is iOS compatible and supports networking. I have, though, seen forum posts where folks mod their hottops to accept a thermocouple for bean mass temp readings, so I know it's possible. I roast mainly on a Quest and Behmor. The Quest has 2 predrilled holes for bean and drum temps readings, which makes it easy. I'd love to see roaster manufacturers start adding networking to these electronic roasters. It would open up a whole world of possibilities!
If you ever have ideas or things that you'd like to see implemented, please let me know. I try to work on the things that most folks are asking for, and am always on the lookout for ways to improve the app.
Thanks again for the kind words!