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Short hello from Denmark.  (Read 10186 times)


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Hi, I am Thomas.

I am using the roastmaster app on my iPad, roasting with the Gene Cafe and the Hottop 8828B.

I have homeroasted for about seven years now, and I must say I am very impressed by the roastmaster app, which I have been using for the last 3 months. Before the roastmaster app I kept track of roast in all kinds of ways, pen and paper, excel, homemade databases etc. It was always a mess, and the worst part was that my logging tool of the time never really was at hand, either papers were lost or I didnt have access to a computer etc. The roastmaster app changed all that...

I really like the bean inventory part, it keeps me well organized with lots of different beans from differents vendors etc. Then there is the curves part, with the option to monitor everything I need. Then there is the roast gauge with the alarms, the roast graph with its timers - just can't live without these anymore! It is tremendously valuable for me to keep track of every little detail of all my roasts - yes I am a tweaker  :)

So in very short, Danny thank you very much for making this app, it is a real gem!

I wish you the best of success and hoping for even further developement of the app (automatic datalogging would be nice), so keep up the very fine work you are doing!

Best regards,

Danny Hall

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Hi Thomas

Thanks so much for taking the time to write this! It's really great to hear this and that you're enjoying it!!

I got tired of using index cards a fews years ago, too. I took great care to record the details of my roasts, then found I was always too lazy to flip back through and actually read them when roasting. :) I wanted something that would do the clerical work for me, and make it easier to see what roasts worked and what didn't.

Data logging is coming along very nicely. I've had that up and running for a number of weeks now in the development version. It's great fun to monitor roasts from the couch, or my office, instead of always having to be in hearing distance of the roaster.

The bad news is that I cannot make it "talk" directly to roasters, like the hottop - it has to be via hardware that is iOS compatible and supports networking. I have, though, seen forum posts where folks mod their hottops to accept a thermocouple for bean mass temp readings, so I know it's possible. I roast mainly on a Quest and Behmor. The Quest has 2 predrilled holes for bean and drum temps readings, which makes it easy. I'd love to see roaster manufacturers start adding networking to these electronic roasters. It would open up a whole world of possibilities!

If you ever have ideas or things that you'd like to see implemented, please let me know. I try to work on the things that most folks are asking for, and am always on the lookout for ways to improve the app.

Thanks again for the kind words!



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Hi Danny,

Surely I will mod my Hottop to add a thermocouple, there is no questions about that. I am at the moment holding back though, waiting to see what thermocouple support you come up with, as I would really like to continue using roastmaster :)

There is no hurry in this for me, but I am looking forward to - down the line - some kind of automatic data logging with the roastmaster app, off course with me modding the Hottop accordingly with some kind of thermocouple that will be supported by IOS and the roastmaster app.

Other than that, I am a happy camper with regards to functionality, but be assured that when some mad idea spawns in my head regarding the roastmaster app, I will let you know :)

Again, I cant thank you enough for making and keeeping supporting the roastmaster app. Thanks!


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it is a great app; if you need any help with modding your Hot Top there is advise all over but
some great guys at:

so many more are roasting now. I have the Hot Top KN 8828P as well as a Quest that I am getting ready
to set up TC4 on.
