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Unable to Export to Onedrive  (Read 11203 times)

Kor Kiley

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Hi Danny!

Could you give me any tips exporting my DB to Onedrive? When I try it says Uploading... on the bottom of the window and my DB name and Waiting... at the top of the same window. It never completes. I don't know how it should behave if there is already a file of the same name at the destination but there is none.

I've been using Google Drive with no problems but Onedrive would be more convenient.

I'm accessing OneDrive from the latest version of Windows 10. RoastMaster is running on an iPad Pro running iPadOS 14.3

Thanks! I hope you are staying safe and doing well!


Danny Hall

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Hi Kor

Great to hear from you! Hope you enjoyed the holidays.

I'll be honest, I don't have any experience with OneDrive. But I would suspect a problem with the iOS OneDrive app, because Roastmaster doesn't really "do anything" with file transfers anymore.

In the old days, when Roastmaster exported a Database, it interacted directly with the cloud service APIs. I coded different methods for each service that it supported. Essentially, it did all the "hard work".

Apple has streamlined that process though, in recent iOS versions. Now, installed apps tell iOS that they can handle file transfers, and those are automatically available in Roastmaster. All Roastmaster does now is prepare the file, then pass it off to iOS, which passes it off in turn to that app.

I'm assuming you have the OneDrive app installed on your iPad and linked with your account, correct? If so, you should see a OneDrive icon appear when exporting a database. Do you see a list item with the words "Save to OneDrive"?

Some apps let themselves be "linked" to the iOS "Files" app. For those apps, you can choose "Save to Files", and choosing the app within the "Files" interface. Do you see that?

Maybe try doing a test using "Save to Files" and choosing an iCloud destination. Does that complete for you?

Let me know


Kor Kiley

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Hi Danny,

Thanks for your suggestions! They pointed me in the right direction and my investigations were  a bit embarrassing. The first thing I discovered was that Roastmaster was waiting to be updated in the App Store of my iPad! I installed it and also removed and reinstalled OneDrive. Since then DB uploads through OneDrive have worked perfectly. Thank you!


Danny Hall

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Awesome...glad to hear!!

Thanks for following up.
