Hi Cees
Well, my first step to help folks in your situation is XML. That, actually, is complete in the development version that I'm currently beta-testing, and should be available soon. Also, there are some extra roast metrics included in the Tab-Delimited export. Roasts now have the concept of curve “Sorting” for its “native” curves, so RM will use the first curve to show lots of temperature metrics in Tab Delimited and XML export (Charge temp, crack temps, drying, pyrolysis and drop temps). Now, that stuff is great, but it involves either a software “back-end” to catalog this, or a lot of manual analysis to make sense of anything. Some folks have that - they will be elated. Others, are looking for a more Roastmaster-oriented solution.
So, taking this concept further, I want to introduce the concept of “Users” to Roastmaster, whereby every device could define separate users, having also the concept of the “current user”, allowing a user to switch users. In this setup, one device could function as the “Administrator”. Other devices could upload roasts at the end of the day to Administrator, where everything would be available on one device for analysis and reporting, along with who performed the roast.
I had wanted to tackle that in this update, but there wasn’t enough time. This update was essentially a complete UI rewrite from the ground up. I’ve modernized all of the code base, and it’s been a massive undertaking. But, it will also (thankfully) eliminate what I spend MOST of my time on - coding individual scenarios for the varying number of iOS devices, and screen sizes. This will let me concentrate on features instead.
I do hope to start working on the user concept soon. If you’d be interested in beta testing this with me, please shoot me an email at support@rainfroginc.com. I’ll definitely need a good team of beta testers to provide feedback and use cases.