The FrogPad
A forum to get help or talk about Roastmaster…or anything else coffee.

Introduction  (Read 10179 times)


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  • Micro roaster - UK
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I've been a user of RoastMaster for some time now, as a home and now micro roaster in the UK. Looking forward to some general discussion on how others get the best out of the app. I'm happy to find that some of the suggestions I made to Danny last year are now in version 3 and can now get even more functionality from this excellent app.

I'm currently also a member of and contribute on a regular basis.

Sorry! I don't do skinny, soy, decaf latte.

Danny Hall

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    • Rainfrog
Hi Ron - thanks for posting, and the kind words.

Of all the requests I've gotten from users - one of the most often-asked is a way to share data. I wanted to provide a placed geared toward Roastmaster that can function as a help desk, data exchange, FAQ, etc. Roastmaster's internal documentation is adequate for basic help, but I need to provide more resources on the site itself geared toward beginners and advanced users.

In the coming weeks, I'll be trying to integrate resources of this nature into both the forums, and the now barren support page - giving a place for new users to browse through FAQs, Ho-Tos, videos and the like.

Hopefully the forum will evolve to be the perfect venue for all of this. I'm all ears for suggestions on how the forums would best work.


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Hi Coffee Magic:

Check out there is a new thread on Rainfrog and much new interest in the home roasting market.

One way to get out the word is to share information. I am thrilled to see this forum which I just found today after a post on HRO.

