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Making changes to a roast after completion  (Read 7267 times)

Kor Kiley

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Hi Danny,

I wondered, I often make stupid mistakes in recording a roast, especially toward the end when things are happening quickly and I'm still trying to record temperatures as well as power and fan settings. For example, today I accidentally recorded the beginning of second crack when I meant to record the end of first.

And one other thing. Would it be OK if I exported the DB file and created reports from it in Windows? I code a bit in Python these days though I'm mostly rusty from not doing it enough. I think creating a report from the RoastMaster DB would be a fun way to practice my programming skills. Of course, if you don't want people doing that I understand.

And there's one more thing : ) Thanks for the new profile tutorial. It's very useful and very well done!


Danny Hall

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Hi Kor

Glad you liked. I'm going to make a "Cliff notes" version soon.

You're asking if you can make changes after a roast stops? Sure. Just put the roast into edit mode, and change whatever you need to. You could even completely define a roast after the fact - as long as you set the duration field, Roastmaster will tag that roast as complete, and it will behave like all the other roasts.

Sure, you can export it - feel free to dust off your coding skills! I think SQL is fun. A RM database is a standard SQLite database. Just a warning - don't modify it outside of Roastmaster, and then attempt to use it in Roastmaster again - that could put it into an inconsistent state. It operates in Apple's Core Data infrastructure, which can be picky.

The tables are all plainly named, but it's fairly normalized so you'll see a lot of primary keys. Weights and volumes are stored as grams and milliliters in the database


Kor Kiley

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Thanks Danny. That was easy! I was looking for some way to do it in the analyzer window.

That will be fun to fool around with the DB. If I actually do it, I'm sure I'll have more questions. I've done quite a lot with Oracle databases and SQL, a bit with MySQL but never SQLite. At least it's all SQL based. I've also used the Python cx_Oracle extension a bit. It looks like SQLite language bindings are built into Python.


Danny Hall

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No sweat - just let me know. I can explain the database schema to you.

Also, if you have particular suggestions about new reports to incorporate into Roastmaster's existing reports, let me know those as well.

Kor Kiley

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OK. Thanks Danny!