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iCelsius Wireless BBQ  (Read 17744 times)


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Hi there!

I just received my iCelsius Wireless BBQ the other day, and am having trouble connecting it to Roastmaster in any way (wireless or direct). It connects fine wirelessly to the iCelsius app though.

Is there going to be an update any time soon for Roastmaster to connect wirelessly?

Thank you! :)

Danny Hall

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When I first built support for the BBQ, the only model was the 30 pin that connected to the dock port. Now, there is a lightning version. My Lightning test unit finally arrived this week, and I submitted the Roastmaster update to Apple with support for that on Thursday. Hopefully it will be out soon.

Will it support the wireless? I'm honestly not sure. With this update, I've opened Roastmaster up to all versions of the BBQ, and included their latest SDK. The fact that the old SDK was dated before the wireless was released, leads me to think that the wireless might work in the update with the existing Roastmaster code. I haven't gotten a wireless BBQ for testing yet, so I've only publicly listed support for the wired dock version.

That being said, yes I do plan to support it. Once I get a test unit I'll be able to see for myself. Can you let me know when you've installed the update? If it doesn't link, I can dig into the SDK and see what might need to happen before I get my hands on one myself.



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Thanks for the quick reply!

I will keep an eye out for the new update. The latest one was released on March 2nd, do you know when the next one will be available? I've contacted Aginova for a request to return the wireless BBQ for a wired one, but now I'm really curious whether the new update will work with it.


Danny Hall

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Updates typically go into review between 3 to 5 days after I submit them, then spend another 24 hours in review until approved. Since iOS 7.1 just hit, that might delay things a bit, but I'd guess by mid week.

I'd hang on to the unit you have - I'm going to be putting new Bluetherm drivers in over the next week or two, so actually plan to get a wireless BBQ and code that at the same time. If you don't mind being a beta tester, I could supply you with a beta build once I get it running if the update does not allow you to connect.

That way you can start using it while I get it all wrapped up and tested, and I can have peace of mind that it's field tested by someone other than me. It's totally up to you. If you'd like to, just send me an email with your device's UDID -



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I just found the 'update' to Roastmaster wherein I can connect the iCelsius BBQ probe to my iPad 2.  But I have some questions:

1.  Does a temperature graph appear on the Roastmaster screen while I roast?  Is a pic of that screen shown somewhere?

2.  On the web-page it shows that the accuracy is not that good;  around +/-  8F at 450F.  However, that might still be OK if the curve shown is reproducible (i.e. error always (say) +8F at 450F).  In that case, it will always show an 'exothermic' increase at the same place.

3.  I know that getting a probe into the bean mass in a Behmor is a pain.  But if I did get it there, would not the probe suffer 'offset' because of radiation from the heating elements?  The other possibility is measuring the temperature of the air in the exhaust duct which is a real easy install.  Have you (or anyone) tried that?

Danny Hall

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Hi Jerry

1. The main roast console will give you an overview of curves and live temperatures, but the analyzer is the best way to roast with data logging. With the iCelsius, you'd only have 1 curve, but it's easy to keep track of several curves in the analyzer. Either way, you can see live temperatures of everything, compared to calculated target temperatures as they change. There's a video that will show you the basics here...

2. The thermistor types do come with their drawbacks. I agree with your thinking here, though. I guess at the end of the day, the most important thing, IMO, is matching a target - i.e. your past roasts or profiles. I've not done any side-by-side tests to tell where the error falls, but I'd expect it to be constant from roast to roast.

3. Again, I think you're right. Those Quartz heating elements would bake the probe. Lots of users I talk to like to run probes in exhaust or scrubbers, so there's a lot to be said for that method too. Kind of harkens back to point 2. I guess anything that helps you lock in on a profile is beneficial. I know in my quest, I pay very little attention to my ambient drum temp. With an electric heating element, the temps are all over the place. The energy of the roast has as much to do with the surface temp of the metal, and so forth. I actually think you might be surprised that exhaust might be a better solution for electric roasters in the long run (where bean mass readings aren't possible). Just my guessing, though. I want to try that one day.


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Is this supported yet? Specifically the dual version.

So far I can connect in the iCelsius app but not link in roastmaster.

Danny Hall

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Sorry - no. Not yet.

I spoke to Aginova a week or so ago. They have not released public support for the wireless. It is in the works, though, but is still a number of weeks away from being released to 3rd party developers.

Once it's released, I'll have to see where I am with the current update. If there's time, I may try to fit it into this update. Otherwise, probably the next one.


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Danny, just curious if the iCelsius Wireless will be supported in next release. They've got it marked down right now on their website, if if you were already working on support, I'd snap one up.

Danny Hall

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Unfortunately, they're not going to make their API public. They had originally intended to make it public, but I knew something was amiss when the release date kept getting pushed back and back. They finally decided to pull the plug on development.

I've had a number of conversations with them over the summer, and I have a gut feeling that that decision may change, but for the moment, Aginova is keeping the API private and I can't support it in Roastmaster.

Sorry - I was excited bout it too.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 01:56:57 PM by Danny Hall »


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Okay. Guess it's save up for the Phidgets rig then.


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I was wondering if this ever became supported?



Danny Hall

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Hi Ron

Sorry - not yet.

I was in the process of coding in support when it was first in pre-order, then they pulled the plug for 3rd party software. At some point after that, they quietly added unheralded support back into their API. I only found this out after calling them when I was wrapping up the last release. It was too late to try and tackle it then. I do plan on revisiting it though.



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Hi Danny!

Thanks for the update! I really appreciate your response!
