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Ability to change background color of graph  (Read 9254 times)

Kor Kiley

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Hi Danny,

Although I find the graph in the roast analyzer very readable indoors, when I am outdoors where I roast I find it very difficult to read, especially the target roast, even though I have the opacity for same turned all the way up. Knowing you, I'm sure you did a lot of trial and error to come up with the background color that you did. However, I wonder if a light background might not work better for me in high ambient light areas.  I guess I could try making that curve a very light color too.


« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 08:34:30 PM by Kor Kiley »

Danny Hall

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Hi Kor

Sorry - have been proofing code this past week.

Actually, the main reason for the black was more for avoiding Miosis (think sun- or snow-blindness). Home roasting appliances offer very little in the way of viewing beans. If they do, it's usually by peering into a dark roasting chamber. And, shop roasters aren't often roasting in the best lighting conditions, so I felt black would help ease vision strain. Staring at a white screen, then trying to ascertain bean color might be hard. Of course... not that that indicates a roast degree... :) But we all like to gauge it.

If you roast outdoors, that point is probably moot. For the graph to be readable, and support a variety of curve colors, I think it needs to be either black or white. I don't have anything against white. I may pop a preference setting in for the coming update.

Thanks for the feedback.

Kor Kiley

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Hi Danny,

You may be right about a white background not working that well. Nevertheless, I would love to try so if you can make that a choice in the future, that would be splendid!


Danny Hall

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There will be a preference setting in the coming update - you'll be able to choose White or Black.

See the attachments. It looks a bit different than your version - the analyzer has a number of new features. For a white background, I darken up the label colors a bit for the sake of readability. I might end up going back and darkening the curve colors a bit as well, or maybe it's best left to the user to pick darker colors for their curves.

Thanks again!

See attachment.

Kor Kiley

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Thanks Danny, I can't wait to try!

Kor Kiley

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Even though it has been a long time since I started this thread, I thought I should declare that the white background choice has been a stellar success for me. I no longer have any problem reading the analyzer screen. Thank you Danny!!