Version 2.0
Hi all!
Most of you have already updated to version 2.0. Hopefully you’ve had to a chance to explore some of the new features, and find them easy to use. I was very happy with the way curves fleshed out in the long run, even if it took a bit of back-tracking in my design approach. I wanted them to be intuitive and flexible, and above all – easy to use. Sorry for the wait!
Here’s a punch list of the new features/changes in Roastmaster 2.0…
- Roasting Curves
- Expanded Profiles and Programs
- Profile and Program Snapshots
- Benchmark Past Roast Matching Mode
- iTunes File Sharing
- Editable Cupping Dates
- Post-Roast Weight Field
- Alarm Dispatch to OS in iOS4 (so you will be notified if the phone is put to sleep)
- Improved Roasting Graph
- Setpoint Alerts for Active Curves
- Bug Fixes
A few words about iTunes files sharing… I realized after release, that this is completely undocumented, so here’s how it works. If you’re running iOS 4 and the latest iTunes, while your iPhone or iPod touch is connected, navigate to the “Apps” tab of the device in iTunes. At the bottom, in the File Sharing section, you should see Roastmaster. Select it, and you will be able to copy either the Databases or Backup Databases folder to your desktop. Inside this copied folder, you will find your Roastmaster SQLite database(s).
If you ever have the need to copy a database back to Roastmaster, simply drag one or more database files (not the folder itself) into the root level of “Roastmaster Documents” in the iTunes window. They should end up listed with the other folders. Roastmaster will find it the next time you launch the app (it must be a fresh launch – not an awakening from background), and will import it as a live database.
This probably goes without saying, but for those of you familiar with SQL databases, or anyone for that matter, do not modify the database outside of Roastmaster and attempt to use that copy with Roastmaster again. This feature is only intended for backing up databases for safe keeping, sharing databases, and for those that wish to broadcast or export their data to other sources.
I plan on posting again in a few days about the immediate future plans for Roastmaster, so drop back by soon. And please let me know how the new features are working for you. I’m anxious to hear!
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