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Important information about Roastmaster 11 and Phidgets Compatibility. In theory (and in testing) it is as easy as 1) Installing the Lib22 and 2) starting the network server. theory and testing. On my test machines, I never needed to uninstall the old Lib21, but it's certainly a good idea. Beyond that, I've noticed that in all things Phidgets, a restart of the host is often required when performing upgrades.
On the Roastmaster side, probe definitions are different. Roastmaster should upgrade your probe definitions internally. Make sure that you do NOT enable a password on your host. Due to the functioning of the new Lib22, I could not longer support passwords in Roastmaster.
There are "from scratch" instructions here
Setting Up Phidgets. Otherwise, call me and we'll try to troubleshoot. 856.275.5991