Exporting and Importing Data
Roastmaster makes it easy to share key data types with other users, or a database between iOS devices.
Exporting Data
From the detail view of any of the supported data types, tap the action button in the upper left corner of the screen. You will be presented with the export view. Choose the method you wish to use to send the file:
- Upload to your Dropbox account
- Email as an attachment
- Save the file to your Roastmaster documents folder on the iOS device, for later distribution via iTunes File Sharing
Importing Data
Roastmaster makes iOS aware of the file types it supports, so a data import can be initiated anywhere on your device that you encounter one of the supported files, such as a web page in Safari, your Dropbox app or email attachments. To initiate an import, simply tap the file, and choose to open in Roastmaster. Roastmaster will launch and present you with the import view.
Details About Data Types
Export: Profiles are exported as a .pfe file from the profile’s detail view. You can opt to include or exclude any snapshots associated with it.
Import: Profile (.pfe) files can be imported into any roaster in your database as either a profile or program.
Export: Programs are exported as a .pge file from the program’s detail view. You can opt to include or exclude any snapshots associated with it.
Import: Program (.pge) files can be imported into any roaster in your database as either a profile or program.
Import: Curve (.cve) files can be imported into any profile or program.
Export: Roasters are exported as a .rse file from the roaster’s detail view. The exported file will include all of the original’s profiles and programs. You can opt to include or exclude any snapshots contained in its profiles or programs.
Import: Roaster (.rse) files are imported into the live database.
Label Definitions
Export: Currently unsupported
Import: Label template (.xml) files are imported directly into Roastmaster’s list of label definitions.
Export: Databases are exported as an .sqlite file from the database’s detail view.
Import: Database (.sqlite) files are imported directly into Roastmaster’s list of databases.
To import, simply tap the icon of the file anywhere you encounter it in iOS (for importing from Dropbox, navigate to the file in the iOS Dropbox app, tap it, then tap the action button and choose “Open in Roastmaster”.)
When importing a database, if the name of the database is the same as the current database, Roastmaster will give you the option of replacing the current database, or renaming the imported database.
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