How the Roasting Gauge Works
The roast gauge is your smart, dynamic timing assistant. It is designed to show you, at a glance, a representation of the estimated progress of the current roast based on its current mode, using the data from your past roasts. The gauge can operate in one of four modes – First Crack, Second Crack, Target Roast Degree and Timer modes. In each mode, the upper limit of the gauge is calibrated to match the milestone of that mode. In the case of Time mode, the upper limit represents 30 minutes. Tap anywhere in the gauge to flip it to the next mode.
The gauge is always calibrated to the data being displayed in the roast graph. Whenever you change the graph selectors, the gauge is updated to reamin in sync with the new graph data.
NOTE: The upper-limit time displayed in the Gauge view is simply an estimation based on your data, or in the case of the timer mode, an arbitrary upper-limit time. It in no way implies that it is advisable or possible to safely roast to that time. Refer to your instruction manual for the safety limitations of your roaster.
Crack Mode
Crack Mode calibrates the gauge to the average of either the first or second crack times of previous roasts. Once in crack mode, one of the crack icons will be displayed in the gauge. Tap the icon to toggle between the two.
Example: setting the gauge to First Crack mode instructs Roastmaster to poll the first crack data being shown in the graph, find the average crack time, and calibrate the gauge to that time.
Target Mode
Target Mode calibrates the gauge to the average duration time of previous roasts whose degree value matches the target value set in the gauge. Once the gauge is in Target Mode, tap the target icon to set the roast degree you wish to target.
Example: choosing a target degree of Full City, instructs Roastmaster to poll the roast degree data of the roasts being shown in the graph, find the average duration time, and calibrate the gauge to that time.
Timer Mode
Timer Mode calibrates the gauge to strict clock time, from 0 to 30 minutes.
Roast Alarm
You can set an alarm for a roast in progress by dragging the alarm marker to any position on the bezel. The alarm time will be displayed in the center of the gauge as you drag.
When the roast reaches the alarm time, an alarm will sound. If Roastmaster is currently displaying the roast in question, the gauge will animate. Simply tap the gauge to silence the alarm.
If Roastmaster is currently displaying another screen, you will be presented with a dialog to silence the alarm, and optionally display the roast.
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