Using Label Templates
You can customize label templates for use with Roastmaster, allowing you to create definitions for custom sheet and label sizes and layout configurations.
The Custom Label Starer Kit contains 8 XML templates, labeled 1 through 8, each designed for a label sheet containing between 1 and 8 labels, as well as a PDF describing how to edit the values.
You can edit these files in any standard text editor, just make sure the resulting saved file has an”.xml” extension. If you need more than 8 labels per sheet, simply copy and paste a new block for each extra label on the sheet.
To customize the label, replace each instance of “MyValue” with whatever value is applicable. You can refer to the PDF “Roastmaster XML Label Structure.pdf” for a description of what each value means, as well as a graphical sample template to give you an overall picture of how these should correlate to a real-world label sheet.
Note: all measurements should be entered in Imperial inches.
When you’re finished creating your custom template, you can import it directly into Roastmaster from anywhere on your iOS device – the two easiest ways are to upload it to your DropBox account, or email it to yourself. Navigate to the file on your iOS device, tap the icon and choose “Open in Roastmaster”. Roastmaster will present its import screen. Once imported, the new label description file will be available for immediate use.

Download the Custom Label Starer Kit
This sounds like a great feature, and I want to download the kit. But this page opened within the app on my iPad, and the kit will not download. I suspect this is a webpage, but I don’t see a way to open it in a browser or copy the URL. I guess I’ll google it, but wanted to leave this feedback.
Hi Ed
It works on a desktop browser. But, on iPad – i had to figure that out too. Apple puts a lot of restrictions on in-app browsing for security. I found that you can force-tap, and choose copy and paste that into Safari. That works well on iOS 11, and unzips in Files. I’m thinking, though, that I should include a Safari button in that in-app browser. Thanks for the feedback!
Hi Danny, I managed to edit the xml and import into the apps back via IOS for use but searching up n down still couldn’t find the label printing option for use. Can you pls advise?
Hi Chris. In the details view of a bean, roast, blend or cupping, tap the label button in the bottom toolbar to view the “Output Settings” screen. Tap the “Template” row – that will display all installed label templates. Select the one one you imported there. You can tap the “i” button next to a label template to see a visual of how it’s laid out.
From there, you can set the print options and print immediately, or save it as part of a batch to print later in the Roastmaster > Batch Labels section.
Let me know how you make out.
Hello Danny.
I am attempting to open the XML files for the Label Templates and as you are aware, Apple doesn’t play nice in this environment. I only have Apple products and I couldn’t edit the file as was shared by Chris on 10/8/17. Can you provide assistance?
Hi Marco
XML labels files can be edited in any text editor. I usually use or on OS X, then copy them to the device via “iTunes Sharing” in iTunes. From there, choose “Import from Documents” from the drum door on the home screen. As long as the syntax is correct and it is saved as UTF-8, Roastmaster should import it.
Send me the file at if you want, and I’ll have a look at it.
I read through the PDF that came with this kit, and I think this is meant to allow printing on custom label sizes. I thought it would allow customizing of what is printed. So I could add “Ed’s Custom Roast” or “Merry Christmas from Ed” or whatever else I want to include. Am I missing something?
No, the templates only allow you to define custom label sizes, sheet sizes and label layout. The text of the label is automatic, based on the entity you’re printing. I’ve added some verbiage in the article to clarify that. Sorry for the confusion.